Sedation Dentistry in Mississauga

Dental Services

Sedation Dentistry Near You

Sedation dentistry in Mississauga is an option available for patients who have anxiety visiting the dentist, have lived through traumatic dental experiences, have trouble getting numb from local anesthetic, have very sensitive teeth, or have a bad gag reflex. Our goal is to ensure each and every patient at Square One Dental feels comfortable and relaxed during procedures. If you think you might be a good candidate for sedation dentistry, talk to our dentists today.

IV Sedation Dentistry

Intravenous (IV) sedation dentistry is a relaxing solution for nervous patients during moderate to severe dental procedures like wisdom teeth extraction. Sedation drugs are administered through an IV to the patient, allowing for a deeper level of sedation to be reached. You likely won’t remember the procedure once the sedation wears off.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Nitrous oxide sedation is a technique used to relax anxious patients before and during a dental procedure. It’s delivered through a nasal mask that puts many patients at ease from the start. Nitrous oxide is often called “laughing gas,” and the effects wear off within minutes of introducing pure oxygen and ceasing the use of the nitrous oxide.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation requires taking a dentist-prescribed pill several hours before your appointment and again closer to the start. You’ll also require someone to drop you off and pick you up afterward while the effects wear off. Oral sedation is an easy and safe way to feel at ease during complex or lengthy dental procedures.

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