Dental Technology in Mississauga

Dental Services

Dental Technology Near You

Dental technology has advanced so much that it makes our jobs as dentists faster, easier, and more fun. We use modern tools in all patient oral exams, as well as for diagnostic purposes and routine procedures. One tool that speeds up routine oral hygiene appointments and exams is the intraoral scanner, which can offer you greater insight into what we see inside your mouth.

iTero Scanner

The iTero is a technology designed to measure a patient’s mouth using precise imaging technology to capture the small details in the mouth. This technology makes it easier than ever for dentists to gain more insight into their patients’ oral health while providing a comfortable patient experience.

Intraoral Scanner

An intraoral scanner is a long cylindrical tool with a camera on the end that assists dentists during oral exams. Our dentists wave this tool around inside your mouth to capture hundreds of images and put them together into a more comprehensive image. This digital technology allows both our dentists and you, the patient, to watch your teeth and bone structure displayed on a digital screen. Our dentists save these images to provide a record and future reference guide for your next visits.

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