General Dentistry in Mississauga

Dental Services

General Dentistry Near You

Square One Dental offers all the services your family needs to maintain a healthy smile. Our friendly dental professionals will help you create an oral hygiene plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. With regular appointments and expert care, we’ll keep you and your family smiling.

Oral Exams & New Patient Exams

At Square One Dental, we are committed to providing excellent, friendly dental care to all our patients. Whether this is your first appointment with us or you’ve been with us for years, your oral health is our top focus. Regular oral exams are vital to maintaining strong, healthy teeth and beautiful smiles.
smiling boy waiting for oral exam
General Dentistry in Mississauga

Dental Hygiene Appointments

Our dentists recommend scheduling regular dental hygiene appointments twice a year for the best oral health possible. Combine careful tartar removal with a diligent at-home routine, and you’ll be setting yourself up for a healthy smile for years to come! Our dental professionals are always happy to work with patients of all ages and stages.

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a technique used to treat thinning or weakening gums. With weak or receding gums, the roots of the tooth may become exposed, causing severe sensitivity and increased risks for gum disease. Gum grafting adds extra coverage and strength with one minor surgical procedure. Talk to our dentists if you have concerns about your gums.
couple at home laughing after gum grafting treatment
little girl showing teeth after sealant therapy

Dental Sealants

Even with the best brushing routine, there are spaces in the mouth that are hard to care for. The grooves in the tops of the molars are spaces that trap food, increasing the risk for tooth decay. The risk is higher for children and teenagers whose mouths are still maturing. Dental sealants are a quick and painless solution that coats the molar with a thin film to prevent plaque build-up and reduce the risk of cavities.

Dental X-Rays

Digital x-rays are an important tool used in regular dental exams. We use digital scans of your teeth and jawbone structure to reference any changes or concerns in your oral health. If you’re scheduled for a restorative or cosmetic procedure, dental x-rays may also be taken before and after the procedure to diagnose and compare. Children will also receive more frequent x-rays due to their maturing mouths.
dentist hand touching panoramic x-ray
middle age man smiling in park after getting root canal

Root Canal

A root canal procedure treats the infected or damaged root of a tooth. It’s a routine procedure that requires anesthesia and a restorative solution like a dental crown. When you need a root canal, you can be confident that our experienced dental professionals will take good care of you and your natural teeth—in most cases, for years or decades to come!

Tooth Extractions

Your smile is important to you, which is why at Square One Dental, our first priority is to preserve and restore natural teeth. Sometimes there are cases where saving the natural tooth is just not possible, often due to a severe root infection or damage that extends beyond repair. When no other option is possible, our dentists will recommend tooth extraction. Extractions may also be recommended when there is overcrowding in the mouth, for potentially problematic wisdom teeth, and a variety of other reasons.

dentist with mask showing thumbs up

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Take Care Of Your Oral Health & Book Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today